Just as a follow up to yesterday's post, I thought I'd publish the exchange of emails between me and Rupert Ponsonby (pictured right). Rupert is a smashing geezer - he's "the ideas man" at
R&R Teamwork, the specialist drinks PR company, and has done more than anyone else in recent years to promote beer in the UK.
Yes, it's lazy blogging. Yes, there's a lot to read. But there are also some interesting points.
----- Original Message -----
From: Rupert Ponsonby
To: Zak Avery
Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2010 5:03 PM
Subject: Zak Avery -on the Rocks
Eyup, Thou Conservative (but obviously not very liberal) beer man
The proof of the pudding is in the eating..
We tried the Liefmans Fruit over ice last week with 13 people and it were great and novel and beautiful. Even one (a wine writer) who said it tasted too unserious at the start, went away with some in her handbag; and over ice it was the most requested beer of the day against (say) 10 others.
I thought you used to say that the (potential) customer was always right? They were my customers.
Today, in the office we drank Lindemans Framboise over ice. Interestingly, to our thinking, the ice allows the flavours of the fruits in the beer to open out and make an exhibition of themselves far better over ice than just chilled. Maybe it is the same as happens when you pour a smidgeon of water into a 40% whisky – it lets the drink relax and open out.
And I drank it again after 15 minutes on ice, and it was still succulent and enticing.
So what is so wrong about opening up a new chapter for beer, adding colour and theatre and arguably – a new range of flavours. Isn’t it about time that we had more fun in beer and allowed others into our territory?
It looked delicious and tasted not half bad - you old conservative you
Love and kisses
From my Old Labour soapbox
From: Zak Avery
Sent: 12 May 2010 17:23
To: Rupert Ponsonby
Subject: Re: Zak Avery -on the Rocks
Haha, enough of the political goading! As you well know, I'm a radical liberal to the core.
I don't doubt a word of what you say - it's just the serve that bothers me, although maybe it's also tied up with the new beer, the calorific info, and the changes that DM made to the brewery's output.
Maybe we are arguing semantics - how far removed from beer can beer be before it isn't really beer? Is there any difference between a malt-based fruit beverage and a beer? Maybe it's the disconnect between stressing the "traditional" aspect of the beer and the saccharine flavours - certainly in the one I tried, the saccharine was unpleasantly prominent. Should we be educating the drinkers up to a certain level, or dumbing the beers down?
And anyway, I'm not sure that I say anything positive or negative about it - the question I ask in my blog post is "Should anything and everything be acceptable in the quest to get more people drinking beer, or is there a line that can be easily drawn, that we can point to and say "No, THAT is too far"? And which side of the line does this fall?"
Why not leave a comment? Or can I cut and past your email?
Big love
Z x
From: Rupert Ponsonby
To: Zak Avery
Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2010 5:46 PM
Subject: Zak Avery -on the Rocks
Cut n paste my email at your will..
Liefmans Cuvee Brut is their serioso beer and will stay as such. But Liefmans Fruit – tho based on the same trad brown kriek’d beer – is made in very different style. Same parent, but ‘wildly’ different characters and markets
Yup, I think that beer needs to shed its shackles of the past. When I was allowed to help design cask ales for Whitbread in 1994, we added juniper and chocolate and nutmeg and spice. We thought we were being brave and controversial, but looking at historic records it had all been done before.
Who is the most inspirational chef in Britain? Heston B. And does he mind being ‘untraditional’ and trying new flavours? No. His oysters on passion-fruit and lavender jelly with a Belgian Wit beer was one of the best dishes I have ever eaten; followed by Michel Roux’s rare seared tuna with chill, ginger, black pepper and sesame oil with Liefmans Cuvee Brut (how wicked?); and Heston’s roast belly pork with Innis & Gunn Oak aged Beer.
Anyway, try Liefmans Fruit by its lonesome over ice; and then with chilled blackcurrant cheesecake (Tesco) or cold choc mousse
Mmm, The Future’s Fruity – or was it Orange?
Have you perused
www.beergenie.co.uk – our new untraditional baby
From: Zak Avery
Sent: 12 May 2010 19:01
To: Rupert Ponsonby
Subject: Re: Zak Avery -on the Rocks
I agree with everything you say, except that I'm unconvinced that serving a sweetened fruit beer over ice is anything like as innovative as Heston. In terms of completely rethinking ingredients and processes, Thornbridge are taking that sort of approach to the EXTREME, with beers that incorporate herbs, spices, fruit, fairies wings and hummingbirds tears.
Setting aside the PR issues for a moment, I guess the real question is: How much of a compromise will you make to get people to drink beer? Can we talk people up to appreciating good beer, or do we need to take beer down a few notches first? With a decade of retail experience under my belt, and plenty of converts to good beer, I favour the the former. Maybe our goals and MOs are slightly different?
I like
Beer Genie - it's worth it for the beer and BBQ tips alone.
From: Rupert Ponsonby
To: Zak Avery
Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2010 7:10 PM
Subject: Zak Avery -on the Rocks
Not equating beer over ice to Heston; just equating to doing the unconventional
I agree with you in talking/learning up and not dumbing down
But ice is theatre, exciting, makes the senses quiver
and is nearly free
True Yorkshire